Oil Painting Alla Prima

Intervenant: Janik Maciek
Nombre de places: 8
Catégories: Wantertrimester 2025
Contact & Informations Rapide

CEPA a.s.b.l.

44 Av. de la Faiencerie - 1510 Luxembourg

Tel: +352 409920

Prochaines sessions Public Lieu Prix Reserver
du jeudi 09 janvier 2025 au jeudi 06 mars 2025
Date de la (des) session(s):

Le 09/01/2025 18:00 -21:00
Le 16/01/2025 18:00 -21:00
Le 23/01/2025 18:00 -21:00
Le 30/01/2025 18:00 -21:00
Le 06/02/2025 18:00 -21:00
Le 13/02/2025 18:00 -21:00
Le 27/02/2025 18:00 -21:00
Le 06/03/2025 18:00 -21:00

A partir de 16 ans Atelier Schleich-Lentz ,
44, avenue de la Faïencerie ,
195 € Complet
Détail du cours/stage

Language: English

You will learn the basics of the alla prima technique in oil painting. Alla prima means „on a first try” and is focused on quick work on the painting and capturing as much as possible with single brush stroke.


Beginner / Mixed

Matériel requis

Oils, medium, turpentine, palette, brushes, small canvas (about A4)

Restez CurIeux