Dynamic sketching

Intervenant: Janik Maciek
Nombre de places: 10
Catégories: Wantertrimester 2024
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CEPA a.s.b.l.

44 Av. de la Faiencerie - 1510 Luxembourg

Tel: +352 409920

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Détail du cours/stage

Sketching is an essential for developing drawing, observational and design skills. It allows our minds to focus, which teaches us discipline and commitment, while being fun and whimsical at times. Sketching is the earliest drawing activity, and it stays with us for our whole artistic path. It can function as a meditative activity, or as a way to visualise whatever we perceive inside or outside of our body and mind. This course will focus on setting up a good mindset for sketching, so that it can be developed into a habit. We will cover different techniques, like markers, pencils, ballpoint pens and other, so that you will not be bored or scared to experiment. The aim of this course is not to teach you good anatomy, perspective or rendering (although if needed, answers will be provided) - it is to allow you to search what you like about creating visuals, and where you want to go with it


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