Morning Yoga with John & Sarah

Intervenant: sarahjohnyoga .
Nombre de places: 8
Catégories: Fréijorstrimester 2024
Contact & Informations Rapide

CEPA a.s.b.l.

44 Av. de la Faiencerie - 1510 Luxembourg

Tel: +352 409920

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LANGUE : English and Luxembourgish 

Take care of your spine and the rest of your body will thank you! 

In these morning Yoga Session we will focus on relieving and enforcing our spine and abdominals along with our regular yoga practice inspired by our Hatha and Sivananda Teachings. 

Expect a mix of breathing exercices (pranayama), warm up, sun salutations, Asanas (postures) and relaxation/meditation. If the weather permits the sessions will be held outdoors in a beautiful urban garden. Suitable for all ages and levels.


Beginners as well as experiences practitioners are welcome. 

Matériel requis

Please bring your yogamat if you have one and wear comfortable clothes. 

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