Zine: Poetry & Art. Create your own book!

Intervenant: Elif San
Nombre de places: 10
Catégories: Fréijorstrimester 2024
Contact & Informations Rapide

CEPA a.s.b.l.

44 Av. de la Faiencerie - 1510 Luxembourg

Tel: +352 409920

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Languages: Luxembourgish, German, English

Create your own book!

Zines are small booklets you create and publish yourself in the spirit of DIY (do-it-yourself) culture. They have no limits and no rules—Whether it's a self-published newspaper, a fanzine, or as in this course: a poetry & art zine. Most commonly they are a compilation of texts, drawings and/or photographs.

In this course, we'll explore writing, drawing, photography, collage, design, editing and storytelling. You'll craft your story —real or invented— through a mix of visuals and texts, culminating in your own zine. At the end of the course, we’ll print 20 copies for you to distribute, giving you the chance to send your first independent publication out into the world.


No previous knowledge required.

Matériel requis

Different types of pens and paper, scissors and collage material like old newspapers (just bring what you find at home). In addition, you are welcome to bring already written poems, stories, drawings and photos, so that we can incorporate them into your zine or be inspired by them.

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